Coating & Laminating
We’re here to meet your roll specification needs, and our team’s dedication, technical knowledge and years of industry expertise have given us just the tools to do it.
We Serve the Coating & Laminating Industry
Our experts study your process and take your individual variables into consideration – variables that include required coat weight, coating type, coating method, substrate and more – in order to recommend the engraving specification best suited for your application. We are the only company of our kind to offer full service for your anilox needs, whether it’s a laser-engraved ceramic, mechanically engraved, or electro-mechanically engraved chrome roll.
Over the next few years, the need for coatings for automotive and specialty films and foils is expected to significantly increase. It’s up to us to step up and meet those ever increasing demands. Pamarco has all the resources you need to help you stay ahead of the curve.
Solutions We Provide:
Ink Managment
Cleaning Solutions

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